* { margin: 0; } a img { border: 0; } #searchboxInc { font: 12px/1.5 Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #003580; width: 175px; } #searchboxInc form { background: #FFE1AA; } #searchboxInc fieldset, #searchboxInc img { border: 0; } #searchboxInc fieldset { padding: 8px; } #searchboxInc #inout h3 { background-color:transparent; font-size:1.1em; } #searchboxInc h3 { margin-bottom:0.2em; position:static; font-size:118%; font-weight:bold; margin: 0; } #searchboxInc p { font-size: 2em; margin: 0; } #homein, #homeout { float: left; padding: 0.5em 1em 0 0; } .avail { padding-top: 1em; clear: left; } #searchboxInc a.calender { vertical-align: -4px; } #searchboxInc a.calender img { background: #0896ff; } .blur { color: #999; } button { float: right; -moz-border-radius: 8px; background-color: #0896ff; border: 2px solid #fff; color: #fff; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 0.15em 0.75em; text-transform: uppercase; font: bold 1.333em/1 Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #calendar { font: 12px/1.5 Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #003580; display: none; position: absolute; background-image: url(http://q.bstatic.com/static/img/shadow3.png); padding: 0 4px 4px 0; } /* For calendar */ .caltable { border: 1px solid #003580; background-color: #fff; } .caltable a:link, .caltable a:visited { color: #0896ff !important; } .caltable a:hover { color: #feba02 !important; border-color: #feba02 !important; } .caltable a:active { color: #b30000 !important; border-color: #b30000 !important; } .caltable td { text-align: center; } .caltable td a { display: block; text-decoration: none; } .caltable td.calheader a { display: inline; vertical-align: -.4em; } .caltable td.calheader img.calNoPrevMonth { background: white url(http://r.bstatic.com/static/img/butPrevMonth.png) 0 -72px no-repeat; vertical-align: -.4em; } .caltable td.calheader img.calNoNextMonth { background: white url(http://s.bstatic.com/static/img/butNextMonth.png) 0 -72px no-repeat; vertical-align: -.4em; } .caltable td.calheader .calNextMonth img { background: white url(http://r.bstatic.com/static/img/butNextMonth2.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } .caltable td.calheader .calPrevMonth img { background: white url(http://q.bstatic.com/static/img/butPrevMonth2.png) 0 0 no-repeat; } .caltable td.calheader .calNextMonth:hover img, .caltable td.calheader .calPrevMonth:hover img { background-position: 0 -24px; } .caltable td.calheader .calNextMonth:active img, .caltable td.calheader .calPrevMonth:active img { background-position: 0 -48px; } .calheader { padding: .4em; white-space: nowrap; } .calheader select { margin: 0 .6em; } .monthYear { background-color: #ffffff; color: white; } .dayNames td { border-bottom: 1px solid #003580; background-color: #e6edf6; } .days td { color: #779bca; background-color: #e6edf6; padding: .2em; border: 2px solid #e6edf6; } .days td.weekend { background-color: #c5d4e9; border-color: #c5d4e9; } .days td.past { text-decoration: line-through; } .days td.today, .days td.future { border: none; padding: 0; } .days td a { padding: .2em; border: 2px solid #e6edf6; } .days td.weekend a { border-color: #c5d4e9; } .days td.today a { background-color: #fff; } .days td.selected { font-weight: bold; } .days td.selected a { border-color: #0896ff; } var booking = { env : { b_simple_weekdays: ['ma','di','wo','do','vr','za','zo'], b_simple_weekdays_for_js: ['ma','di','wo','do','vr','za','zo'], b_long_weekdays: ['maandag','dinsdag','woensdag','donderdag','vrijdag','zaterdag','zondag'] } } function addzero( value ) { while( value.length= co){ co.setTime(ci.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); frm[co_day].value = co.getDate(); var com = co.getMonth()+1; frm[co_month_year].value = co.getFullYear() + "-" + com; } } } Zoek hotels Bestemming Aankomstdatum 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 var monthArray=new Array("januari","februari","maart","april","mei","juni","juli","augustus","september","oktober","november","december"); var today = new Date(); var month= today.getMonth(); var year = today.getFullYear()%100; var fullYear=today.getFullYear(); year=new String(year); year=addzero(year); var countMonth=month; for(var i=0;i0){ countMonth=0; year++; year=new String(year); year=addzero(year); fullYear++; } document.writeln(""+monthArray[countMonth]+" '"+year); } Vertrekdatum 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 var monthArray=new Array("januari","februari","maart","april","mei","juni","juli","augustus","september","oktober","november","december"); var today = new Date(); var month= today.getMonth(); var year = today.getFullYear()%100; var fullYear=today.getFullYear(); year=new String(year); year=addzero(year); var countMonth=month; for(var i=0;i0){ countMonth=0; year++; year=new String(year); year=addzero(year); fullYear++; } document.writeln(""+monthArray[countMonth]+" '"+year); } Ik heb nog geen specifieke data Zoek var currentDate = new Date(); var currentYear = 1900 + currentDate.getYear(); var dailyMS = 24*60*60*1000; var arrivalDate = new Date(currentDate.getTime()); var departureDate = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + 1*dailyMS); var arrivalYear = 1900+arrivalDate.getYear(); var arrivalMonth = 1+arrivalDate.getMonth(); var arrivalDay = arrivalDate.getDate(); var departureYear = 1900+departureDate.getYear(); var departureMonth = 1+departureDate.getMonth(); var departureDay = departureDate.getDate(); var a=document.frm; if ((a.checkin_monthday.selectedIndex == 0) && (a.checkout_monthday.selectedIndex == 0)){ a.checkin_monthday.options[arrivalDay-1].selected = true; a.checkout_monthday.options[departureDay-1].selected = true; } var frm = document.getElementById('frm'); // create date object from checkin values // set date to 12:00 to avoid problems with one // date being wintertime and the other summertime var my = frm['b_checkin_month'].value.split("-"); var ci = new Date (my[0], my[1]-1, frm['b_checkin_day'].value, 12, 0, 0, 0); // create date object from checkout values my = frm['b_checkout_month'].value.split("-"); var co = new Date (my[0], my[1]-1, frm['b_checkout_day'].value, 12, 0, 0, 0); if (ci >= co){ co.setTime(ci.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); frm['b_checkout_day'].value = co.getDate(); var com = co.getMonth()+1; frm['b_checkout_month'].value = co.getFullYear() + "-" + com; } Date.MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = Date.prototype.MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = 86400000; var browser = navigator.appName var version = navigator.appVersion var startstring = parseFloat(version.indexOf("MSIE"))+1 var browserverion = parseFloat(version.substring(startstring+4,startstring+7)) var isIE5 = ((browser=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (browserverion < 6))? true : false; var isIE6 = ((browser=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (browserverion > 5.5) && (browserverion < 6))? true : false; // Put placeholder in destination input box if empty, and remove when focused var destination = document.getElementById('destination'); destination.onblur = function () { if (!this.value) { this.value = this.getAttribute('title'); this.className += ' blur'; } } destination.onfocus = function () { if (this.value == this.getAttribute('title')) { this.value = ''; this.className = this.className.replace(/ blur/, ''); } } destination.onblur(); function tickCheckBox(el) { if (document.getElementById) { if (document.getElementById(el)) { document.getElementById(el).checked = false; } } return true; } Date.prototype.getTwoDigitMonth = function () { // Returns a two-digit string from '01' to '12' representing the month property of a Date object. var month = (this.getMonth() + 1).toFixed().toString(); if (month.length == 1) { month = '0' + month; } return month; }; function checkDateOrder(me, ci_day, ci_month_year, co_day, co_month_year) { var frm = document.getElementById('frm'), my, ci = new Date( 0 ), co = new Date( 0 ), com, today = new Date(); // create date object from checkin values // set date to 12:00 to avoid problems with one // date being wintertime and the other summertime if ( frm[ci_day].value !== '0' ) { ci.setDate( frm[ci_day].value ); } if ( frm[ci_month_year].value !== '0' ) { my = frm[ci_month_year].value.split( "-" ); ci.setFullYear( my[0] ); ci.setMonth( my[1] - 1 ); } ci.setHours( 12 ); ci.setMinutes( 0 ); ci.setSeconds( 0 ); // create date object from checkout values if ( frm[co_day].value !== '0' ) { co.setDate( frm[co_day].value ); } if ( frm[co_month_year].value !== '0' ) { my = frm[co_month_year].value.split( "-" ); co.setFullYear( my[0] ); co.setMonth( my[1] - 1 ); } co.setHours( 12 ); co.setMinutes( 0 ); co.setSeconds( 0 ); // If the new checkin date's month does not match // the current value of the dropdown, then it is // because the month was incremented creating an // invalid date (e.g. February 31st). // We'll cycle back the checkin date until we're in // the correct month. if ( frm[ci_month_year].value !== '0' ) { while ( ci.getMonth() != frm[ci_month_year].value.split( "-" )[1] - 1 ) { ci.setDate( ci.getDate() - 1 ); frm[ci_day].value = ci.getDate(); } var cim = ci.getMonth() + 1; frm[ci_month_year].value = ci.getFullYear() + "-" + cim; } // if checkin date is at or after checkout date, // add a day full of milliseconds, and set the // selectbox values for checkout date to new value if ( ci >= co ) { co.setTime( ci.getTime() + Date.prototype.MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY ); com = co.getMonth() + 1; if ( frm[ci_day].value !== '0' ) { frm[co_day].value = co.getDate(); } if ( frm[ci_month_year].value !== '0' ) { frm[co_month_year].value = co.getFullYear() + "-" + com; } } } function updateDaySelect( me ) { // 1-2 testing if ( !booking.env.b_simple_weekdays_for_js ) { return; } var frm = document.getElementById('frm'); if ( frm.getAttribute( 'id' ) !== 'frm' && frm.className !== 'availForm' ) { return; } // Check if we have all fields. If not, we are in the first stage // of the book process and should not auto-update selects since there // is only the check-in select and the amount of nights. if ( !frm.checkin_monthday || !frm.checkout_monthday || !frm.checkin_year_month || !frm.checkout_year_month ) { return; } if ( frm.checkin_monthday.value === '0' && frm.checkout_monthday.value === '0' && frm.checkin_year_month.value === '0' && frm.checkout_year_month.value === '0' ) { return; } // If the year-month fields have nonzero values, prepend the day of the week to each monthday in the check-in and check-out monthday Selects. var ci_d = frm.checkin_monthday, co_d = frm.checkout_monthday, ci_my, co_my, todaysDate; // If the form field has a nonzero value, use it; if ( frm.checkin_year_month.value !== '0' ) { ci_my = frm.checkin_year_month.value.split( "-" ); } else { // Use the current date value. todaysDate = new Date(); ci_my = [ todaysDate.getFullYear(), todaysDate.getTwoDigitMonth() ]; } if ( frm.checkout_year_month.value !== '0' ) { co_my = frm.checkout_year_month.value.split( "-" ); } else { todaysDate = new Date(); co_my = [ todaysDate.getFullYear(), todaysDate.getTwoDigitMonth() ]; } var ci_sel = Math.max( ci_d.selectedIndex, 0 ), co_sel = Math.max( co_d.selectedIndex, 0 ), ci_sel_value = ci_d[ ci_sel ].value, co_sel_value = co_d[ co_sel ].value, monthDays = [], opt, i; ci_d.innerHTML = ''; co_d.innerHTML = ''; var MonthdayPromptOption = function () { this.option = { "_this" : this, "@selected" : "selected", "@class" : "day prompt site_experiment_encourage_date_entry_2", "@value" : 0, "#text" : "dag" }; }; if ( ci_sel_value === '0' ) { buildHtmlNode( new MonthdayPromptOption(), ci_d ).selected = true; } if ( co_sel_value === '0' ) { buildHtmlNode( new MonthdayPromptOption(), co_d ).selected = true; } function writeMonthdaysOptions( numberOfMonthdaysToShow, yearMonthSelectElement, monthDaysArray, monthDaysSelectElement, monthDaySelectValue ) { var i, optionElementInnerHTML, optionElement; for ( i = 0; i < numberOfMonthdaysToShow; i++ ) { optionElement = document.createElement( 'option' ); optionElementInnerHTML = i + 1; if ( yearMonthSelectElement.value !== '0' ) { optionElementInnerHTML = monthDaysArray[i] + ' ' + optionElementInnerHTML; } optionElement.innerHTML = optionElementInnerHTML; optionElement.value = ( i + 1 ); if ( i > 0 && monthDaySelectValue == i + 1 ) { optionElement.defaultSelected = optionElement.selected = true; } monthDaysSelectElement.appendChild( optionElement ); } } // Check-in month monthDays = buildDaysForMonth( ci_my[0], ci_my[1] ); var numberOfMonthdaysToShow = 31; if ( frm.checkin_year_month.value !== '0' ) { numberOfMonthdaysToShow = monthDays.length; } writeMonthdaysOptions( numberOfMonthdaysToShow, frm.checkin_year_month, monthDays, ci_d, ci_sel_value ); // Checkout month monthDays = buildDaysForMonth( co_my[0], co_my[1] ); numberOfMonthdaysToShow = 31; if ( frm.checkout_year_month.value !== '0' ) { numberOfMonthdaysToShow = monthDays.length; } writeMonthdaysOptions( numberOfMonthdaysToShow, frm.checkout_year_month, monthDays, co_d, co_sel_value ); // IE 6 exhibits a bug whereby the value of the monthday select always jumps to zero. if (isIE6) { ci_d.value = ci_sel_value; co_d.value = co_sel_value; } } function buildDaysForMonth( year, month ) { // Month index starts on 0(-11) in Date()-object var monthDate = new Date( year, month - 1 ); var orgMonth = monthDate.getMonth(); var dayArray = [], weekDay; while ( monthDate.getMonth() == orgMonth ) { // Week starts on Sunday in Date()-object weekDay = ( monthDate.getDay() == 0 ) ? 6 : ( monthDate.getDay() - 1 ); dayArray.push( booking.env.b_simple_weekdays_for_js[weekDay] ); monthDate.setDate( monthDate.getDate() + 1 ); } return dayArray; } function buildHtmlNode (elementsObject, targetNode, refChild) { /* Accepts an object of elements where the key specifies the tagname unless prefixed by @, in which case it specifies an attribute of the parent, or when it is #cdata, in which case it specifies a CDATA child. http://xml.com/pub/a/2006/05/31/converting-between-xml-and-json.html The big flaw now is the case , which cannot be represented as a JS object. In that case interject an array of generic div or span elements. */ // If we want to validate as JSON, we must make sure what we pass in is JSON, which it presently isnot. //elementsObject = booking.json.validate(elementsObject); var key, counter, found, newElement, newNode; for (key in elementsObject) { if (elementsObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var prefix = key.substring(0, 1), primaryKey = key.substring(1); if (prefix != '_') // We窶决e on a non-DOM key, so skip. { if (prefix == '@') // Attribute { if (!targetNode.getAttribute(primaryKey)) { // Perhaps extend this in the future to support multiple class values. targetNode.setAttribute(primaryKey, elementsObject[key]); } } else { if (prefix == '#') // Text or CDATA { if (primaryKey == 'text') // Text { found = false; if (targetNode.childNodes && targetNode.childNodes.length > 0) { // Traverse text node children and append only if it isn窶冲 already there. counter = 0; while (counter < targetNode.childNodes.length && !found) { if (targetNode.childNodes[counter].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && targetNode.childNodes[counter].nodeValue == elementsObject[key]) { found = true; } counter++; } } if (!found) { // MGP 040209: Cope with strings split by linebreaks - need to insert elements if ( elementsObject[key].indexOf("n") == -1 ) { newNode = document.createTextNode(elementsObject[key]); if (refChild) { targetNode.insertBefore(newNode, refChild); } else { targetNode.appendChild(newNode); } } else { // Found some linebreaks - split the string into component parts var newNodeParts = elementsObject[key].split("n"); // Loop through the parts, adding a linebreak after each one (except the last one) for ( var i = 0; i < newNodeParts.length; i++ ) { // Check for the existence of a star rating in the text node if ( newNodeParts[i].match(/d*$/) ) { // Found a star rating - extract the star lastSpace = newNodeParts[i].lastIndexOf(" "); newNodeString = newNodeParts[i].substring( 0, lastSpace ); starImgSrc = 'http://q.bstatic.com/static/img/icons/stars/' + newNodeParts[i].substr( lastSpace + 1, 1 ) + 'sterren-small.png'; } else { newNodeString = newNodeParts[i]; starImgSrc = ''; } newNode = document.createTextNode(newNodeString); if (refChild) { targetNode.insertBefore(newNode, refChild); if ( starImgSrc ) { newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.setAttribute('src', starImgSrc); newImg.className = "stars"; targetNode.insertBefore(newImg, refChild); } } else { targetNode.appendChild(newNode); if ( starImgSrc ) { newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.setAttribute('src', starImgSrc); newImg.className = "stars"; targetNode.appendChild(newImg); } } if ( i < newNodeParts.length - 1) { // Add a newBR = document.createElement("br"); if (refChild) { targetNode.insertBefore(newBR, refChild); } else { targetNode.appendChild(newBR); } } } } } } else { if (primaryKey == 'cdata') // CDATA { targetNode.appendChild(document.createCDATASection(elementsObject[key])); } } } else // Element { // If targetNode was passed into this function, append the new child to it窶ヲ if (targetNode) { // If elementsObject[key] is an array, we窶冤l create an element of type key for each array member. if (elementsObject[key].length > 0) { for (counter = 0; counter < elementsObject[key].length; counter++) { if (elementsObject[key][counter]) { if (!elementsObject[key][counter]._node) { newElement = document.createElement(key); elementsObject[key][counter]._node = newElement; var r = counter + 1; while (r < elementsObject[key].length && !refChild) { if (elementsObject[key][r]) { refChild = elementsObject[key][r]._node; } r++; } if (refChild) { newNode = targetNode.insertBefore( elementsObject[key][counter]._node, refChild); } else { newNode = targetNode.appendChild( elementsObject[key][counter]._node); } arguments.callee( elementsObject[key][counter], newNode); newElement._elementTree = elementsObject[key][counter]; } else { arguments.callee( elementsObject[key][counter], elementsObject[key][counter]._node); } } } } else { if (elementsObject[key].length !== 0) { if (!elementsObject[key]._node) { newElement = document.createElement(key); elementsObject[key]._node = newElement; if (refChild) { newNode = targetNode.insertBefore( elementsObject[key]._node, refChild); } else { newNode = targetNode.appendChild( elementsObject[key]._node); } arguments.callee( elementsObject[key], newNode); newElement._elementTree = elementsObject; } else { arguments.callee( elementsObject[key], elementsObject[key]._node); } } } } // else create the new element as targetNode. else { if (!elementsObject[key]._node) { arguments.callee(elementsObject[key], elementsObject[key]._node = targetNode = document.createElement(key)); } else { arguments.callee(elementsObject[key], elementsObject[key]._node); } } } } } } } return targetNode; };
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